Dr David Sands and the Animal Behaviour Clinic
Dr David Sands is a human-companion-animal practitioner based at his Animal Behavioural Clinic in Lancashire. His clinic specialises in the treatment of behavioural conditions including all forms of aggression, owner-attachment (stress destructive, barking and toileting), hyperactivity and OCD-like disorders and phobias presented by dogs, cats, birds, horses and exotic species. His clinic undertakes behavioural assessment and treatment of companion animals presenting aggression (including dog behaviour that comes under The Dangerous Dogs Act and Amendments) and acute ‘stress behaviours’ such as noise phobia as a Clinical Expert on the treatment of owner separation-related disorder without the need for medication.
Temperament Reactive Tests Assessment and Banned-Breed analysis for Court Reports; CPS, Solicitors, Police Forces and Authorities – click PDF link : Download.
Dr David Sands can assess dogs for temperament and, if appropriate, provide Expert reports for Defence and Prosecution and pet owners in court cases. Email drdavidsands@btinternet.com or call 01257 249960
Dr David Sands is an internationally-established animal-related author and photographer, having researched ‘human psychology’ and zoology. David gained his doctorate in ethology (animal psychology) in 1995 for behavioural research awarded from the Faculty of Science, Liverpool University. He is a fellow of the Canine and Feline Behaviour Association (CFBA) and a member of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB).
As an animal behaviourist specialist, Dr David Sands has been featured in a number of UK television documentaries and programmes and regularly contributes to TV and Radio news programs around the world on the special relationship between people and pet companions. His Granada TV series based on the clinic, ‘The Pet Set’, record audiences in Northern England. David has also co-presented (and acted as a consultant) for the 2005 Animal Planet/Channel 5 series, ‘Britain’s Worst Pet’ and presented an amazing documentary ‘Suicide Bridge Dogs’ about dogs that have died leaping off a gothic bridge in Scotland for Channel 5, Discovery, Animal Planet and the Weird or What series.
View previous television appearances at www.youtube.com/drdavidsands
Published Books
Dr Sands has scripted a number of animal information videos about the care and behaviour of small animals, dogs and cats and contributed to and written many books including: Cats and Kittens, Dogs and Puppies and, ‘To The Rescue - Dogs, ‘To The Rescue - Cats’, unique no-nonsense guides to providing a rescue or re-homed dog or cat with a new life.
He has authored major pet books including ‘The Family Dog book’ (Collins) and the ‘Encyclopaedia of the Family Cat’ (Collins). The German Shepherd Dog ‘Care and Behaviour’ (Crowood Press) was written and fully illustrated with photographs by David. His best-selling Hamlyn books are: 'Know your dog' a big all colour-spread review of canine behaviour ‘500 questions CATS answers about cats and behaviour’. Just published, 2009, is the pocket book 'Games to play with dog' also Hamlyn.
David can be contacted by email at drdavidsands@btinternet.com
by telephone 01257 249960