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If you would like to start the process of obtaining treatment for your pet/s (clinical behavioural therapy) then the next step is to obtain a questionnaire that will allow David to make a preliminary diagnosis. You simply email David directly ( and request a blank form.

Consult the Animal Behaviour Clinic on 01257 249960 or or for assistance!

Request a diagnostic form (we will add downloadable forms to the website in future updates) and advise us if your dog was owned from the puppy stage or if an adopted or rescue dog (even from family or friend)

Or if you have more than one dog (even if there are no issues with your other dog)        

Once the questionnaire has been completed (you can add any observations or brief descriptions of events and behaviours of your pet/s) you simply send it back as an attachment under the name of your pet. When a completed form has been returned to us you can then contact the Animal Behavioural Clinic and make an appointment for Dr Sands to come to your home. He will bring a special report and have extended discussions with you including a detailed explanation of how the treatment should be applied. No costs are incurred until an appointment has been made. 

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