Dogs that attack or constantly pull on the lead, are hyperactive,
go the toilet on the kitchen floor, bark endlessly, growl or
nip at children or adults, scratch at door frames when confined
or hide under tables and chairs whenever visitors arrive. They
are showing behavioural problems.
Cats that are aggressive or scratch your favourite furniture
or 'pee' on curtains and chairs are also showing behavioural
problems. Most of these behaviours are normal reactions (unless
they are truly extreme) made by a disturbed animal but they
are usually unacceptable to humans.
' Many behavioural difficulties are not the result of inadequate
training. Dogs that are thought of as antisocial are often displaying
'territorial or fear' aggression and need clinical treatment
rather than training. Aggressive dogs can learn such behaviours
or may have inherited poor temperament. Dogs that are destructive
or display inappropriate urination and defecation in the absence
of their keepers are neurotic They cannot communicate their
fears or confusions in a language that can be easily understood
by most humans.
Not all dogs are friendly towards others!
The most common cat behavioural problems, such as spraying
and furniture scratching for example, have nothing whatsoever
to do with a lack of training. This behaviour is a feline way
of expressing insecurity and doubts regarding the world they
perceive to be an inner territory.
Most dogs share the best attributes of their particular breed;
German Shepherds are excellent at guarding, Terriers are tenacious,
Border Collies are best at rounding up sheep and obeying signals
and Retrievers/Labradors are, as to be expected, skilled a retrieving.
These same canine talents can also present difficulties for
owners when errant dogs are unsure of their position within
the family. Perhaps the worst of these difficulties is aggressiveness
or insecurity, Both conditions are often displayed alongside
a general disobedience. Pedigree, cross breeds and out and out
mongrels can all develop behavioural problems.
Dr David Sands offers a BEHAVIOURAL CLINIC 'home
visit' session or a clinic session, a personal service,
which includes an extensive report, treatment therapies, advice
and follow-up discussions which will deal with most pet behavioural
Common Behavioural problems in dogs -
Over-excitability, car phobia, tail chasing and recurring 'habits',
aggression towards family members, strangers and other animals,
disobedience, excessive barking, destructiveness, chewing, scratching
and inappropriate urination and/or defecate. 'Separation-related
disorders' and 'introvert' or withdrawn and neurotic behaviours
are also common in some dog breeds.
Common Behavioural problems in cats -
Spraying, soiling in the home, aggressiveness, intermittent
litter tray usage, inappropriate hunting, destructive scratching,
periodic absence and insecurity. Intraspecific (cat-cat) aggression.
Common Behavioural problems in birds -
Self mutilation, aggressiveness, handling problems, excessive
vocalisation and insecurity.
Common Behavioural problems in horses -
Inappropriate chewing (stable boredom), aggressiveness, refusal
to school, noise phobia, handling problems, fear of horse boxes
and intraspecific aggression (horse-horse). These, and other
more unusual behavioural difficulties such as anorexia and coprophagia,
can often be resolved during a single session with the correct
application of drug free therapies. The success rate is extremely
very high. So don't put up with pet problems