David teaches in easy-to-apply steps his unique 'positive-reinforcement'
training (clicker and discs) that has proved ideal for all dogs,
cats, horses, birds and exotic pets. Together with specialised
therapies to treat nervousness and aggression, this clear and
effective method offers your pet non 'voice-dependent', signals
to communicate caring control. His gentle, 'aggression-free'
style brings out the best in all companion animals.
Clicker training uses positive-reinforcement of good behaviour.
When your dog. Cat. Horse or parrot has displayed the correct
behaviour you can signal and reward. This signal is not voice-dependant
and can be successfully used by the whole family (tone of voice
can vary between gender and age). Shouting will never help matters
(that's barking, squawking to your pet) whereas the use of a
sound that announces a reward (classical conditioning in Pavlov's
pioneering work) can have the most positive results.
The double sound of the 'clicker' will normally be unique to
your pet. Dogs would not normally have existing 'association'
to its sound. It may take several attempts to 'condition' your
dog to associate the sound of the clicker to 'reward'. However,
once your dog understands that the clicker is a 'signal for
reward' he or she will respond without too much encouragement.
Initially the reward should be food-based (small pieces of meat,
dog treats etc) but eventually the reward can be a pat or a
vocal congratulation GOOD boy, girl etc.
A set of fact sheets and two 'clickers' can be obtained directly
from the Animal Behavioural Clinic, Chorley. Send cash, a cheque
or postal order for £20 payable to Dr David Sands to the
Animal Behavioural Clinic, 127 Blackburn Rd Heapey Chorley Lancs
PR6 8EL. Please state whether a puppy, dog, cat or bird Clicker
Information Sheet set is required.
Discs are used to signal that you wish a particular behaviour
to cease. The use of discs, together with the removal or denial
of reward, will teach your dog to stop a particular behaviour.
The use of discs started with the late animal behaviourist John
Fisher. He was looking for a simple, easy to make, sound that
would signal to an animal that a particular behaviour was unacceptable
and should cease (ie jumping up, growling etc). John helped
to develop the five 50 mm-sized brass discs design, which are
held together on a handy cord, and when shaken and dangled or
dropped onto the ground, make a very distinctive sound. Once
the pet has been conditioned to understand that the sound of
the discs represent the 'removal of a reward' (the opposite
to the clicker) they can be used as negative reinforcement.
The discs are never used to scare the animal. Only to signal
that a particular behaviour is not wanted.
A set of fact sheets and 'discs' with a booklet can be obtained
directly from the Animal Behavioural Clinic, Chorley. Send cash,
a cheque or postal order for £15 payable to Dr David Sands
to the Animal Behavioural Clinic, 127 Blackburn Rd Heapey Chorley
Lancs PR6 8EL. Please state whether a puppy, dog, cat or bird
Discs Information Sheet set is required.