The Red Tailed Catfish is the ultimate tropical fish for aquarists. Keeping a catfish that can grow over a metre and becomes hand tame is the ultimate challenge for the enthusiast. Be prepared to spend a fortune to avoid keeping ‘A Golden Eagle in a birdcage’ to quote Dr David Sands's text. This 2007 CD ROM edition not only updates the text but also includes unique video film and photographs of Red Tailed Catfishes in captivity including Gary Mobey’s group of swimming pool catfishes. There is information and photographs of hybrids and the fossil record is discussed. Included is also historical RTCC survey documentation.
A must for all keepers of this magnificent giant among South American catfishes. complete many new pictures and video footage - is now available with a retail price of £35 or roughly $65 (overseas send check payment in the UK by your bank in sterling for £45 which includes postage). UK p&p £5 Europe and USA airmail-postage £10
Pay Pal payment alternative available please contact David directly drdavidsands@aol.com or 01257 249 960
Endorsement - October 2007
G’Day David,
Well, my CD and handbook arrived in Australia yesterday, 22/10/07. Thank you for signing my book. I would like to say how happy I am that I bought both the CD and the handbook, thankyou for prompting me in this direction. Both the CD and the book are excellent, the information is very valuable and the pictures and video are great. I have now gained a greater appreciation of these magnificent creatures and a new respect for those aquarists that can successfully maintain them. The breeding report was amazing!! It was well worth the substantial investment (don’t forget how weak the poor Aussie dollar is to the pound) to get these publications. I can thoroughly recommend these products to anybody with an interest in large fish and large catfishes in particular. Thankyou. Best regards,
Kenneth Gordon, Australia.
The Nature of Corydoras

A superb CD-ROM containing hundreds of pictures and figures based on Dr David Sands's expedition to collect Corydoras adolfoi and C. imitator and new species in the Upper Rio Negro, Brazil. Includes research into colour-pattern sharing in Corydoras. This unique disk contains lots of information on Corydoras species-groupings including video-footage and hundreds of pictures on ecology, spawning-breeding information, predator-prey shoaling-behaviour and genetics plus lots more.
Available £35 or roughly $65 (overseas send a check payable in the UK by your bank in sterling for £45 which includes postage). UK p&p £5 Europe and USA airmail-postage £10
Pay Pal payment alternative available please contact David directly drdavidsands@aol.com or 01257 249 960
Endorsement - November 2007
Dear David
Thanks so much for the CD Rom. Wow!
I loved the more intricate Amazon habitat and ecology details such as the leaf-staining and substrate analysis which can be very useful when used in aquarium terms. I loved the shoaling behaviour analysis and breeding photographs. I also liked the descriptions of new Corydoras species, especially Corydoras duplicareus because I bought some that were sold to me as Corydoras adolfoi and they look so similar. I have always been fascinated with colour-pattern sharing in these little catfishes and the CD Rom answered all my questions and more. I hadn't realised so much genetic work had been undertaken with these catfishes. Loved the pictures of the Upper Rio Negro. Nice to get a 'feel' for the natural habitat of my aquarium fishes.
James Burgess