Family Pet Guides Dog by Dr David Sands
This comprehensive family guide is full of helpful information
and expert advice to choosing and owning a dog. All aspects of everyday
care are covered, but in addition, there are lots of interesting
facts and anecdotes about one of Britain's most popular family pets.
Highly illustrated with beautiful, specially commissioned colour
photographs, this book has information and advice on the following:
- Choosing a dog
- Understanding your dog
- Looking after your puppy
- The adult dog
- Training your dog
- Behaviour problems
- Healthcare
This guide gives all the practical advice necessary to parents
and children to raising a healthy, happy dog. It is full of helpful
information and expert advice to choosing and owning a dog. All
aspects of everyday care are covered, but in addition, there are
lots of interesting facts and anecdotes about one of Britain's most
popular family pets. Illustrated with specially commissioned colour
photographs, this book has information and advice on: choosing a
dog; understanding your dog; looking after your puppy; the adult
dog; training your dog; behaviour problems; and healthcare.
'Currently out of print but available from your local UK library.
Order your books from the Animal Behavioural Clinic 127 Blackburn
Rd, Heapey Chorley, Lancs PR6 8EJ 01257 249960