Care and Behaviour of the German Shepherd Dog by Dr David Sands
Instantly recognizable, the German Shepherd dog is one of the most popular breeds of dog in
the world today. In this comprehensive new book, David Sands shows how to get the best from
these wonderful dogs:
- History of the breed
- The personality of the German Shepherd Dog
- Choosing a puppy
- Training
- Rescue and re-homed dogs
- Behavioural problems
- Health care
In this unique book, expert animal behaviourist Dr David Sands reveals the ‘world’ from the
German Shepherd’s perspective, and explains how to train and understand him psychologically
rather than physically. Further chapters cover the practicalities of choosing and training a
puppy, or a rescue or re-homed dog, as well as how to cope with behavioural or health problems.
Illustrated in colour throughout, Care and Behaviour of the German Shepherd Dog will be an
invaluable guide to making the most of your relationship with your dog.
This book is available £17.00 p&p included. Please make cheques payable to Dr David Sands.
Order your copy from the Animal Behavioural Clinic 127 Blackburn
Rd, Heapey Chorley, Lancs PR6 8EJ 01257 249960